Healthy state of mind – good mood

Lavender oil is a mixture of essential oils (lavender, geranium, bergamot) and lavender extract in a liquid fatty base enriched with calendula oil extract. It is intended for anti-stress massage.

How does it work?

Lavender essential oil is quickly absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and mucous membranes of the lungs and nose thus achieving a sedative effect similar to diazepam. Massage with this oil results in complete body relaxation and stress relief.


Almond oil is a fatty oil obtained by cold pressing the seeds of Prunus Dulcis plant. It is rich in natural nutrients: essential fatty acids (more than 25%), vitamins E (24–30 mg per 100 g), D and B group (B1, B6, B2) and essential minerals, magnesium and calcium.

It is classified as a “light” oil because the skin easily absorbs it, so its application does not leave an oily residue, that is, it demonstrates low comedogenicity.

The chemical and physical properties of almond oil place it in the group of oils with medium penetration power, together with wheat and corn germ oil, soybean oil, hazelnut oil, etc.

The abundance of nutrients in almond oil, in addition to its properties, make it suitable for the care of all skin types, especially dry skin.

It was used by the Hindus, and the Greek-Persian schools of medicine used it to treat dry skin conditions accompanied by psoriasis and eczema, and to this day it is propagated by the Indian science known as Ayurvedic medicine.

Almond oil is a natural emollient that forms a barrier on the skin and regulates transepidermal water loss, thus increasing its moisture content.

The look and tone of the skin is improved, thanks to the emollient properties of almond oil.

Desquamation of the skin by applying almond oil results in a remarkable skin glow.

Recent studies have shown that applying almond oil to the skin before exposure to UV radiation protects the skin from possible damage. Almond oil is also known to protect against “photoaging” and prevent the appearance of skin blemishes.

If you want to slow down the skin aging process, it is best to introduce skin care routine using almond-oil-based products in your early thirties.

The high content of vitamin E, a strong natural antioxidant, reduces wrinkles and lifts (smooths) the texture of the skin. Vitamins E and A help the collagen synthesis necessary for the firmness of the skin.

Almond oil, with its emollient effect, reduces conditions that accompany dry skin: irritation, itching, inflammation.


A unique product! Fragrant!

Based on new knowledge about essential oils – on the physiological effects they have on us when we inhale them, scientists have developed the FENNEL ANTI-CELLULITE PROGRAMME, with an innovative approach; not only do the products work through the skin, but are also the first products that have an additional, olfactory (odorous) effect.


New researches have shown that fennel essential oil has affects the sympathetic nervous system. By inhaling the vapours of this essential oil, the olfactory receptors are activated, connected to the smell centre, which is connected to the hypothalamus.

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in a significant increase in the concentration of catecholamines in the circulation, and therefore in the burning of free fatty acids released by the hydrolysis of neutral fats in adipocytes.

This effect is extremely important since, contrary to general opinion, lipolysis in adipocytes alone is insufficient to remove excess triglycerides in them. It is necessary that the released fatty acids are “burnt” in the process of thermogenesis thus preventing their re-synthesis into fat droplets.

The activated sympathetic nervous system affected by the fennel essential oil contributes to this; fatty acids formed by the hydrolysis of neutral fats under the influence of caffeine, applied to the skin surface, are “burned”.

The result of these metabolic processes is the “emptying” of adipocytes and their reduction.

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